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The 5 Best Skincare Resolutions You Can Make for the New Year

The 5 Best Skincare Resolutions You Can Make for the New Year

Jan 14, 2023

Reine Africaine

The 5 Best Skincare Resolutions You Can Make for the New Year
The new year offers a blank slate—an opportunity to get things right. And the best way to utilise this opportunity is by taking control of your choices, setting goals, and making resolutions.

At Reine Africaine, we believe your skincare resolutions shouldn’t be an afterthought. It should be right at the top because how you look affects how you feel, which in turn shows up in your life choices, experiences, and opportunities.

In this post:

  • What is a skincare resolution
  • The 5 best skincare resolutions

What Is a Skincare Resolution?
A skincare resolution is a goal or commitment that you make with regards to your skincare routine or habits. It could be something specific, like switching up your products to use SPF daily, or something more general, like embracing a good-for-you change that would improve your overall skin health and appearance.

According to a popular quote, if you fail to plan, then you’re definitely planning to fail. What better way to avoid a repeat of the skincare mistakes you made last year than by setting a game plan to do better this year? We are not leaving you to walk this path alone; we are here to make sure you make the right commitments and stick to them.

The 5 Best Skincare Resolutions
The first rule is to set realistic and attainable goals while remaining consistent and patient enough to see desired results. That way, you can get maximum benefits from your skincare resolutions. Otherwise, it would be unattainable despite good intentions.
Here are five skincare resolutions you can make to improve the health and appearance of your skin:

1. Use sunscreen everyday
Sunscreen is an essential skincare product that can help protect your skin from the damaging effects of UV rays. By incorporating sunscreen into your daily skincare routine, you can help prevent sunburn, skin cancer, and premature ageing. Check out this link Should Black People Use Sunscreen to know more about sunscreen and our top picks for you.

2. Incorporate exfoliation into your routine
Exfoliation helps to remove dead skin cells, improve skin texture, and unclog pores. By incorporating exfoliation into your skincare routine, you can help keep your skin looking radiant and healthy.

3. Use skincare products that are suited to your skin type
It is important to use skincare products that are tailored to your specific skin type in order to get the best results. For example, if you have oily skin, you may want to avoid heavy, creamy moisturisers and opt for lightweight, oil-free products instead.

4. Prioritise your nighttime skincare routine
Your nighttime skincare routine is so important and should definitely not be an afterthought. Throughout the day, your skin is subjected to a variety of environmental stressors and pollutants, such as dirt, oil, pollution, sun, and wind. These substances can accumulate on the surface of your skin and block pores.
By adopting a nighttime routine, you give your skin the opportunity to repair and regenerate, producing new skin cells and improving the overall texture of your skin.

5. Be consistent with your skincare routine
Consistency is key when it comes to skincare. By sticking to a consistent skincare routine, you can help ensure that your skin is properly cleansed, moisturised, and protected on a daily basis.

We trust that you'll make these skincare resolutions and other good-for-you changes that will ensure that you not only stay radiant all year but also feel like your best self.